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"And then I went through 40 years of my life where those were dinner party conversations.
Whenever one them wanted to escape from a dinner party conversation, they'd bring her up.
Perhaps this will stimulate lively dinner party conversation in the months ahead.
Whenever dinner party conversation turns to the topic of, "Who would play you in the movie of your life?"
If you haven't heard of it, it'll be appearing at a dinner party conversation near you soon.
"I lived in the US in the mid-90s and dinner party conversation was.
There are three topics that in my view should be banned from current dinner party conversation - house prices, school fees and breast feeding.
Most of my friends and I are at a stage when the subject of aging relatives is inevitable dinner party conversations.
Even children carried "mugger's money," and sharing mugging stories became fodder for dinner party conversation.
"When she came in [to the dinner party conversation], there were one or two marvellous moments.
A dinner party conversation from 2020:
It's dinner party conversations.
Just a year ago, no dinner party conversation was complete without at least one magical rags-to-I.P.O. story.
Wrong Runway The how-I-spent-the-holidays part of dinner party conversations this week has been heavy on headaches with airport security workers.
Every time a photograph is released, dinner party conversations around the country become dominated by forensic analyses of how he looks and whether he is well.
One of the best dinner party conversations is, 'Who would you put in Madame Tussaud's?'
When it all finally started unravelling, there was at last a chance to drop phrases like collateralised debt obligation into dinner party conversations without someone sniggering.
Sophisticated dinner party conversation that used to be about Mike Nichols is now about Mike Ovitz.
The night before, the dinner party conversation had somehow turned to coffee, and Bury had lost his usual bored detachment when he spoke at length on the subject.
All at once, Jake felt as if he were eight years old again and his father was putting him to bed just as the dinner party conversation was getting interesting.
Two of their three children are in college, and dinner party conversation, she says, frequently centers on the difficulties recent graduates have earning more than $8 or $10 an hour.
Many of us believe that, for the purposes of dinner party conversation, paying for a book and hauling it from one hotel room to the next counts as reading it.
Guests took their seats, and serious dinner party conversation began - Martha Stewart, movies from "Blow-Up" to "Starsky & Hutch," world travel.
At the same time, the museum will unveil the postapocalyptic painting that grew out of that dinner party conversation in a mezzanine gallery overlooking the refurbished Grand Lobby.
While unsatisfactory dinner party conversations are enough to elicit a litany of complaints, Geraldine never seriously assesses her life or her values, never achieves anything even approaching self-knowledge.