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After completion of their second cycle studies, all students receive the Diploma Supplement automatically and free of charge.
Hence, graduates are issued the Diploma Supplement.
A Europass Certificate or Diploma Supplement is also available in Greek and English language.
It is called Bachelor of Arts, diploma supplement Soziale Arbeit (includes social work and social pedagogy) or religious education.
For the second time in a row, the European Commission has awarded TBU with the prestigious Diploma Supplement label.
The Diploma Supplement is recognized all over Europe and it is aimed at standardizing the credit system of degree of university graduates to help them in the labor market.
DS Label Certificate was awarded for the correct free award of the Diploma Supplement to all graduates of the principles of the European Commission.
The University also issues a European Diploma Supplement (part of Europass), which confers automatic recognition of the AUBG degree throughout Europe.
Reforms within universities themselves will represent a challenge - for example, the introduction and implementation of the ECTS and diploma supplements, as well as other Bologna process initiatives.
The European Commission awarded the Diploma Supplement Label from 2009 to 2013 to Østfold University College (Høgskolen i Østfold).
The five Europass documents are the Curriculum vitae, Language Passport, Europass Mobility, Certificate supplement, and Diploma supplement, sharing a common brand name and logo.
"Dopunska isprava o studiju: upute, pravila i ogledni primjeri" (Diploma Supplement: Instructions, Regulations and Examples) [3] Jul 2008.
The Diploma Supplement (DS) is a European Union document attached to a higher education diploma aiming at improving international transparency and facilitating the academic and professional recognition of qualifications.
The procedure for the State final attestation and for the award of the Diploma as well as the content of Diploma supplement are the same as for the Bachelor degree.
The Diploma Supplement is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which the supplement is appended.
In 2009 European Commission EACEA awarded KTU with the Diploma Supplement label, which is recognized throughout Europe and therefore facilitates employment opportunities in its holder's country and abroad.
This was aided by the establishment of a system of credits in the form of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the adoption of the Diploma Supplement by all countries involved.
SSU is one of the few Russian universities which issues the European Diploma Supplement to the State Diploma of Higher Education, which confirms educational standards according to international standards (ECTS).
At the end of the studies the student gets two diplomas and diploma supplements The students and alumni receive consultancy in planning own e-business, as well as support throughout the first year for the idea implementation (e.g. free office space and infrastructure, consultancy etc.)
The programs are offered in French and English, notably in Diplomacy, Sustainable Development and Religious Studies, which are structured after the Bologna Process (including ECTS and Diploma Supplement) in order to follow both European Union and United States guidelines.
The description of the Croatian higher education system as of July 2008 is available from the official Croatian Guidelines for the Publication of Diploma Supplement, which was published by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia in July 2008.