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Is used mainly for diplomatic accreditation and special events of the presidency.
Diplomatic accreditation is the process in which an ambassador is certified as one country's official representative to another.
His comeuppance came when the Thai delegation invited him to become their press officer with full diplomatic accreditation.
None of the offices in 28 countries have official diplomatic accreditation but serve as venues of paradiplomacy.
This includes diplomatic accreditation.
Gaza is another matter; the Foreign Office currently advises against all travel here, and visits require journalistic or diplomatic accreditation to go via Israel.
Fifth and finally, we are studying options for diplomatic accreditation arrangements with North Korea following the decision to establish diplomatic relations on 14 May.
Consular officials (that do not have concurrent diplomatic accreditation) formally have a more limited form of immunity, generally limited to their official duties.
Diplomatic immunity is more limited for consular officials without other diplomatic accreditation, and broadly limited to immunity with respect to their official duties.
In accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, diplomats are not regarded as having officially taken up their duties until they receive diplomatic accreditation.
The Rooms are used for official functions of the monarch such as banquets, state dinners, the New Year's levée, diplomatic accreditations, audiences and meetings of the council of state.
It is the site of official functions such as banquets, state dinners, diplomatic accreditations, public audiences, meetings of the Council of State, receptions, royal christenings, lyings-in-state and other ceremonies.
But both the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister said today in separate interviews that the Libyans arrived without formally requesting permission to open an embassy and without diplomatic accreditation.
He was presented by the Duke of Guise, Mary's nephew, to Henry III of France who gave him diplomatic accreditation and sent him to Elizabeth I of England.
And this is not to mention Mr. Bush's latest suggestions in his letter that the alliance plan on reducing the "forward presence" of its forces near the front lines and consider giving East European and Soviet officials diplomatic accreditation to NATO.
As Deputy Chief of Protocol he was responsible for managing visits of Heads of State and Foreign Ministers to the United States, overseeing diplomatic accreditation, and representing the United States in more than a dozen international delegations.
Rumania's new leaders recalled their country's envoys to the United States and the United Nations this month, soon after the execution of Nicolae Ceausescu, and canceled their diplomatic accreditation, United Nations and State Department protocol officials said today.
The Canadian Government has refused diplomatic accreditation to a general who is currently Israel's defense attache in Washington, apparently because of the reprimand the general received in an official Israeli report on the massacre of Palestinians in refugee districts in Beirut in 1982.
A letter of credence is a formal letter usually sent by one head of state to another that formally grants diplomatic accreditation to a named individual (usually but not always a diplomat) to be their ambassador in the country of the head of state receiving the letter.