Chocolate should never be melted over direct heat in a saucepan by itself.
ON a grill, the difference between direct and indirect heat is an important one.
However, far more use is made of geothermal energy for direct heat.
Keep them in a safe place, away from direct heat, sunlight, and moisture.
Nothing man made could long withstand five thousand degrees of direct heat.
In contrast, direct heat can fry the surface while the inside is still cold.
All types of food can be baked but some require special care and protection from direct heat.
The sinking of the sun removed the desert's direct heat.
On the one hand, it meant the direct heat of the sun (and the sweating) would be cut down.
Vinegar should be stored in a dark place away from direct heat.
They also contained fire pits with U-shaped deflectors that directed heat and caught ash.
With each step, Yuriko's features began to ripple and flow like wax exposed to direct heat.
Dry them gently, with newspaper inside to take up excess moisture, and never subject them to direct heat.
In some homes, room heaters have a sensor that directs heat only toward occupants; there are "energy navigators" that track a home's energy use.
Vinyl siding is sensitive to direct heat from grills, barbecues or other sources.
Pots and pans could be exposed to direct heat by removing small plates recessed in the cooking surface.
His brain concentrating mightily on directing heat to his thighs.
It's like making toast - exposing the bread to direct heat (rather than the indirect heat of the oven) to brown and dry it.
Patches may not fully protect you from pregnancy if they are exposed to direct sun or high heat.
Long pieces of firewood are leaned vertically around the pot to direct heat up and protect the fire from the wind.