Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He sat for a moment or two enjoying his friend's discomfiture.
And, to add to their discomfiture, they could not account for the Kid.
It will not, I fear, prevent there being further discomfiture.
A man who had stood there smiling at her discomfiture.
"Nevertheless, I think you'll find that your discomfiture was all for a good cause."
Loss, whether recent or long ago, is very often at the bottom of our discomfiture with ourselves.
In the days that followed he certainly did his best, no doubt much to the minister's discomfiture.
Instead he would have felt keen enjoyment of her discomfiture.
But was the 51-year-old blonde's discomfiture all that it seemed?
He was amused at the other's discomfiture but did nothing to ease it.
I felt a distinct pleasure in passing on my own discomfiture.
Any discomfiture left over from that night after the graduation had long faded.
Few chief financial officers are comfortable discussing their discomfiture in public.
How much more discomfiture should be required of him?
Jaime gave no sign of his discomfiture, but only smiled.
He flushed slightly, then smiled at his own discomfiture and stood up.
Smiling to herself, she reflected on her son's discomfiture at supper.
He was well received by the king, although his recent discomfiture must have been the occasion for some political embarrassment.
This was undoubtedly the reason the members of the science team had just experienced such emotional discomfiture.
Stone seemed to be smiling at her discomfiture, a pain that only he understood.
Clearly enough, the two "old America hands" were enjoying the discomfiture of the newcomers.
Within the dark depths of his eyes danced amusement at her discomfiture.
Amidst the silence and discomfiture those two stood smiling at each other.
He received the distinct impression she was enjoying his discomfiture.
Suddenly her father's discomfiture had assumed far more dire dimensions.