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Action on discrimination against disabled people in particular must be intensified.
Twenty-five years later, discrimination against disabled people is still pervasive.
The discrimination against disabled people manifests itself in numerous ways.
A law intended to prevent discrimination against disabled people.
So I really hope that it will be approved because we are certainly against any kind of discrimination against disabled people.
The degree of discrimination against disabled people working in the health and caring professions cannot be fully answered by this research.
Present European Union legislation on discrimination against disabled people only relates to employment.
A law banning discrimination against disabled people that takes effect tomorrow finds corporations responding in sharply different ways.
The law prohibits discrimination against disabled people and mandates that most employers make "reasonable" accommodations for them.
That law, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, generally prohibits discrimination against disabled people.
See the page on discrimination against disabled people in our guide on how to prevent discrimination and value diversity.
In the province, alcohol or drug dependency is considered a disability, and Ontario's human rights code prohibits discrimination against disabled people.
Is he also aware that some of his colleagues have damaged their interests because they talked out a Bill designed to outlaw discrimination against disabled people?
The eight day tournament in Ghana's capital, Accra, aims to fight discrimination against disabled people.
Similarly, hiding discrimination against disabled people, population' quality control'thinking implies that many kinds of disability are inevitable and can only be eliminated by genetic control.
In addition these laws prohibit direct discrimination against disabled people in government programs, employment, public transit and public accommodations like stores and restaurants.
The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities strictly considered the action discrimination against disabled people.
Discrimination against Disabled people, in the arts or other areas of life, creates experiences, needs and priorities which are qualitatively different from those of non-Disabled people.
LEAD: An article on Friday about legislation to prohibit discrimination against disabled people referred incompletely in some copies to Republican Senators who voted against it.
In response to your question, without first having the general overall far-reaching directive, it is very difficult to set standards of a European character in the area of discrimination against disabled people.
While approving Oregon's plan, Donna E. Shalala, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, imposed 29 conditions and restrictions, including several to prevent discrimination against disabled people.
The Bill, introduced by Labour MP Alf Morris, aims to outlaw discrimination against disabled people but government ministers say it is too wide-ranging and potentially costly for employers.
I do not wish to comment on the substance of the press conference, but would ask you to rule that using a disability as a derogatory term is an act of discrimination against disabled people.
Instead, the President gave his personal support to legislation that would prevent discrimination against disabled people, including those infected with the AIDS virus, chiefly in regard to employment or access to public buildings and services.
Dennis deLeon, the city's Human Rights Commissioner, said the refusal by clinics that normally offer abortions to perform them on HIV-infected women violated city and state laws barring discrimination against disabled people.