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Order some disease-resistant fruit trees to plant in the spring.
Much of the research focuses on developing a disease-resistant tree.
There is now a large selection of disease-resistant varieties on the market.
The first disease-resistant plants available were food crops, such as beans.
Look for varieties that have been bred to be disease-resistant.
Ultimately, disease-resistant apple varieties may provide the key to disease management.
Instead, researchers are seeking to identify and breed disease-resistant trees.
However, the animals breed only two or three times during their short lives and so far just one disease-resistant devil has been found.
And although the plants themselves were shorter, they were more disease-resistant.
In some insect and disease-resistant varieties, no chemicals are required at all.
Disease-resistant apples have been developed, reducing the need for sprays.
It is also an important timber tree mainly because of its disease-resistant properties.
Consider, for example, a project aimed at developing disease-resistant wheat strains.
Mali, where the focus will be on irrigation and disease-resistant crops.
But the point is not to breed generations of disease-resistant, glowing cats.
Healthy plants in tune with conditions are also more pest- and disease-resistant.
The end result could be a generally more disease-resistant stock and one that responds better to vaccination.
Within two decades, he had developed a high-yielding, disease-resistant variety of wheat.
It requires little maintenance in terms of pruning and is fairly disease-resistant.
He also said the company was researching disease-resistant seeds.
Frantic efforts to find a disease-resistant hybrid began in the 1930s, but virtually all of the original American trees were dead by 1950.
It is regarded as easy to grow, being disease-resistant and tolerant of poor soils.
So his seedlings had to be disease-resistant to survive.
The most effective management technique available to farmers is the use of disease-resistant cultivars.
They have been instrumental in the development of rice that is disease-resistant and flood-tolerant.