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All it takes is a little disinterestedness on the part of Congress.
And yet he was prepared to go still further in disinterestedness.
"This was based on my view that the best quality in a lawyer's advice is disinterestedness."
The German side declares its complete political disinterestedness in these areas.
The concept of disinterestedness had been explained by many thinkers.
Here, however, the disinterestedness of their pastor did not terminate.
"Can it be expected that the small states will act from pure disinterestedness?
The passing of the old sense of interest took disinterestedness over the side along with it.
How should I afterwards have dared to speak of disinterestedness and independence?
We've had this definition of disinterestedness in the bankruptcy law now for quite some time."
Your sweetness and disinterestedness are really angelic; I do not know what to say to you.
Right now a newspaper like the Post is a necessity to give the information collected a sense of authority and disinterestedness.
"And for your own sake too, or you are carrying your disinterestedness beyond reason."
I take a certain pride in my disinterestedness, though."
Heroism and disinterestedness are rising up, here and there, in the earth.
I only hope the interests of the country too do not suffer on account of his disinterestedness.
Monitoring an election for fairness presumes disinterestedness on the part of the monitor.
But with characteristic disinterestedness and modesty he declined all such honours.
Central to the system was a spirit of perfect disinterestedness in the trappings of power.
No one ever doubted the purity and disinterestedness of Guizot's own conduct.
Disinterestedness according to which scientists are supposed to act for the benefit of a common scientific enterprise, rather than for personal gain.
The correct attitude of citizen who wished to commit to public life was disinterestedness, honesty, and above all, efficiency.
She has infused aesthetics with politics, and disdained disinterestedness for ethical activism.
He was quite at a loss how to show his recognition of the disinterestedness of this noble guide, when a happy thought struck him.
'There is disinterestedness in the world, I hope?