Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"How do you get 11 disparate people to come together as a team?"
The disparate work force began to talk, to share information.
Have you ever thought why the class ability is so disparate?
What's interesting is exactly the way many disparate things are brought together.
The author is always in control of her disparate subject.
How does any student make time for such disparate interests?
But much more work needed to be done, he said, to line up data from disparate sources.
The zone where the disparate become part of the whole.
So many disparate activities that do add up to support your story.
They wanted to build a nation from all its disparate parts.
If disparate impact were available to them, they would be off to a fast start.
These two disparate buildings across the country from each other may not seem to have much in common.
It is easy to imagine how different the view of women from such disparate countries may be.
We are a disparate people who disagree on almost everything.
And yet the effort is made every day, in any number of disparate situations.
Making a company's disparate computer networks work together is not easy.
Consider some disparate programs, each of which made wonderful television.
Even under attack, mind and body seemed to move in disparate directions.
"To get 51 percent, you have to put together disparate groups.
But women have been central to the success of several disparate films.
On the face of it, we're a pretty disparate bunch these days.
"It's training people to appreciate the disparate knowledge being brought to the table."
The public health approach has come under attack from a disparate group of critics.
But the two series are just too disparate to make a coherent point.
How many responsibilities of a disparate nature did I have to hold in my mind at the same time?