Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
- Likely on the order of five to six simultaneously dispatched instructions.
All told, Silverthorne's back end has six pipelines to which the front-end's instruction queue can dispatch instructions at a rate of two per cycle.
Almost without blinking, the layer dispatched instructions to those parts of the ship dedicated to the upkeep of its infrastructure.
The reserve stations can dispatch instructions speculatively (speculative dispatch).
"Interrogative dispatch instructions," asked the AI, the cool tones of the disembodied intelligence cutting through his memories.
For example, talk radio host Alex Jones has often conducted what he calls "Google Bombs" by dispatching instructions to his radio/internet listeners.
The regent immediately dispatched instructions ordering Castro's son, Álvaro de Castro, to take over his father's credentials, proceed to Ceuta and fulfill the mission.
The governor Obeid Allah ibn el-Habhab immediately dispatched instructions ordering Habib to break off the expedition and ship the army back to Africa.
Research shows the gate cost in some cases may be gates, and the delay cost , where is the number of instructions in the processor's instruction set, and is the number of simultaneously dispatched instructions.
While process advances will allow ever greater numbers of functional units (e.g., ALUs), the burden of checking instruction dependencies grows so rapidly that the achievable superscalar dispatch limit is fairly small, likely on the order of five to six simultaneously dispatched instructions.