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Taking his cue from the disquieted look in her eyes, he turned to Ross.
Kelvin thought about some of the people he knew, and remained disquieted.
But he remained disquieted, as did his other self.
Pym gave a disquieted twitch, but moved off about his duties.
Their own disquieted expressions were reflected back at them in a dozen gleaming bronze masks.
Was it one of those strange appeals which cross the dreams of disquieted minds?
Jerry tried to soothe his disquieted spirit and finally succeeded in calming him down by changing the subject to film.
Vorzheva, eating in silence, but with her usual good appetite, shot him a disquieted glance down the table.
A disquieted look flashed across Moore's face.
Meanwhile, Paula Rayle had returned to her own room, far more disquieted than before.
The quick, abrupt movements of her husband were like those of a large disquieted cat, smooth, fluid, alert for the unexpected.
Picard looked more disquieted than amused.
Every disquieted fan who had been sitting in the stands had to ask, "Have you seen Andy's mojo?"
Spock Two was on the bridge when Kirk came on duty, to the Captain's rather disquieted surprise.
And if I then became disquieted, Let stolid people think who do not see What the point is beyond which I had passed.
Chex agreed, but remained disquieted.
She surged on through the Air, drowning her doubts - and the image of the Hero's disquieted face - in motion... .
Only a few more steps now, she realized, emerging from her disquieted thoughts, and Celimus would be kissing her hand and offering sugary platitudes.
IT may have been the novelist's intention to leave the reader feeling as disquieted as I was, to make me worry that I might still be missing something.
"True, maiden," said Ivanhoe, "as quiet as these disquieted times will permit---And of Cedric and his household?"
Andrew saw Dom Esteban's disquieted gaze at Callista, and heard what he did not say: A Keeper who has given back her oath?
A disquieted group of people go to the island doctor and ask him to go to the islet, which he promises to do as soon as the tide allows.
It made him feel disquieted and bewildered, as if the Free Zone had changed radically over the last forty-eight hours and he didn't know what it was anymore.
'Excellent,' commented the disquieted host in an effort to be wittily insulting, 'and I trust they proved more becoming than the beard and glasses you now have on!'