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Again, the courts over many years kept hands off the issue of legislative districting.
And he extended the analogy to describe his call for nonpartisan districting.
Committees on land claims, appropriations, military, the judiciary, and districting were also formed at that meeting.
The electoral district was composed of the same municipalities under the 1996-2005 districting scheme.
Any state whose districting is thrown out will have to redraw its lines and face the same issues now confronting Georgia.
"Contiguousness is not this transcendental value when it comes to legislative districting," he said.
Republicans had contested the districting in the courts, who ruled the state must be redistricted.
What made the Districting Commission's job so difficult?
Moreover, the Court must now realize that the white challengers have not been hurt, legally or politically, by the districting.
The county still plays a role in administrative districting by various governmental agencies in Massachusetts.
A subtext of the debate was a bubbling rift between black and Hispanic leaders over the districting.
Some critics, contend that districting leaves legislators too close to their constituents, making them susceptible to the slightest pressure.
She points out that a policy of minority districting promotes "conflict between blacks and other minority voters."
Because legislative districting is based on population, not voter registration, minorities are represented in the legislature out of proportion to how much they vote.
But the sizzling will probably stop soon, and the diner has become a potent emotional symbol in a larger debate about historic districting.
The Environmental Conservation Code regulates the sources and districting of water supply.
He also supported the (existing) districting of the State Senate so that each seat represented an equal amount of property.
Mr. Abdullah emphasized that under fairer districting, his party would have garnered even more seats.
I do agree that current districting and electoral policies are not utopian, and are in need of rationalization.
At one point in that decision, Justice O'Connor said such districting "bears an uncomfortable resemblance to political apartheid."
Race-based legislative districting should be outlawed.
Altman's contributions to electoral districting and redistricting have been both theoretical and implementational.
The constitutional principles in the case apply not only to Congressional districting but also to state and local districting.
The opinion was grounded in 25-year-old precedents extending one person one vote from Congressional districting to state legislative districts and local governing bodies.
Several politicians predicted that the districting would draw lawsuits like lightning from minority groups contending that they were not properly recognized.