Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
You want somebody to come up with some divergent ways of thinking.
Perhaps in no other country are form and substance so divergent.
The two schools, for lack of a better word, are not that divergent.
In our divergent ways, I believe we were both headed home.
The test will come on issues where big and small business have more divergent demands.
Students have to think several steps ahead; it's really divergent thinking.
I want to thank you for the opportunity to meet with so many divergent members of Soviet society.
"I would not like to deal with divergent points of view," he told the lawyers.
Differences between groups were not expected to be widely divergent.
Two different engines in the same car can produce very divergent results.
It is difficult for any nine people to represent such divergent areas.
The reason being that across Europe we have so many divergent economies.
This is an area of two divergent real estate patterns.
With your experience in intelligence, how do you explain these divergent views?
Her wishes and mine were too divergent; I got almost nothing.
These are two very divergent views of the same historical event.
If p 0, then the term test identifies the series as divergent.
It would be hard to imagine more divergent talents coming together, but such were the times.
Because of these divergent approaches, we were not able to reach an agreement.
They have many personal tastes in common, but also divergent views on some issues.
Environmental groups have taken wildly divergent positions on the issue.
There are also divergent interests among Palestinians along class and other lines.
Despite their divergent views, the leaders are confronted with common problems.
But at least they thought in parallel directions, not divergent ones.
She wasn't used to such divergent feelings for the same person.