Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
There was inadequate central board control of a federal divisional structure.
The answer lies in the divisional structure of most large businesses.
In modern times, the divisional structure has been standardized by most military forces.
A large number of counties are involved, and feature in a divisional structure.
It's just the divisional structure which has really changed.
This setup continued until the 1994-95 season, when a four divisional structure was introduced.
The championship will remain a two divisional structure although no other details are recommended.
This allows members of management in the divisional structure the opportunity to move up."
The school's Divisional structure ensures that students are known, in person, by those who teach and work with them.
Beside the jobs cuts the company as also reduced its divisional structure from 18 to 13 to save £8m in costs.
When divisional structure is utilized more specialization can occur within the groups.
Due to a new divisional structure, the league expanded its playoff series to include the top three teams in each conference.
Robert Christin, who became president in 1968, implemented the current course system and the academic divisional structure.
The Divisional structure was tightened for this tournament, with teams from the two divisions not playing each other.
The single governing organisation would oversee the 12-10-10-10 divisional structure that is presently in place.
This concept attempted to provide a new divisional structure to fight on the atomic battlefield.
More sweeping changes followed in 1945 as the divisional structure was reorganized and expanded.
Division members belong to product sections that function as separate groups within the Divisional structure.
A management and divisional structure chart should be circulated.
Caltech has virtually the same divisional structure as at its beginnings, seven decades ago.
At this time, additional clubs from the Alliance were 'invited' to join, to form a new three divisional structure.
These divisional structures were broadly replicated to in the overseas offices.
This divisional structure was found unwieldy and was eliminated in 1963.
Divisional structure Academic disciplines are organized into nine divisions for administrative purposes.
A new divisional structure was initiated, which includes a section dedicated to quality assurance and compliance activities.