Policies may cater for the do-it-yourself enthusiast.
The first method is probably the easiest for the do-it-yourself enthusiast.
Both do-it-yourself enthusiasts and professional woodworkers can usually do the job.
Doing It Yourself For do-it-yourself enthusiasts, the Zema Corporation, specialists in pet-grooming products, sells Pet Logs, a red cedar doghouse kit, complete with wood and nails.
A lot of business comes from do-it-yourself enthusiasts who try to repair an old jukebox or pinball machine and make everything worse, Mr. Johnston said.
With acid-free papers and archivists' supplies that keep photographs from yellowing, fading and becoming brittle, do-it-yourself enthusiasts are putting a fancy new twist on the plain photo album.
The fact that modules are frequently removed by do-it-yourself enthusiasts presents an additional risk.
The retractable rulers come in various models, which carpenters, plumbers and do-it-yourself enthusiasts like to clip to their belts.