It's essential for good vision that they stay together, particularly over the central area.
These creatures have two black eyes, with very good 360 vision.
Vitamin A is also needed for normal growth and good vision.
They have eight eyes with good vision and the body is grey to brown.
It has good vision, and can row quickly over the surface of the water.
We need the light to see more clearly, to have good vision.
He has very good vision and ability with the ball.
All told, it did make a pretty good vision of hell.
It was so dark that those with good vision could barely see.
He has got good vision for the game and is one of the best power play players in Sweden.
In most people with normal vision, about half of the cells are gone by age 80, he said.
Before he could worry about it the picture was gone, replaced by normal vision.
One eye remains damaged, but he has normal vision in the other.
Teacher's sight was now almost down to 10 percent of a person's normal vision.
I might add that she is probably all but invisible to normal human vision.
Inside the alley itself no one with normal vision could have seen more than a few feet without a light.
Not one of the people I could see with my normal vision looked even slightly suspicious.
Without early treatment, your child may never develop normal vision in the affected eye.
Now, however, they could not be seen by normal vision.
She switched back to normal vision and smiled to herself.
In order to gather quality observations, good eyesight and hearing are also important.
If a dog is a hunter, they most definitely need good eyesight.
You will need to be able to work for long periods with a high degree of accuracy, and have really good eyesight.
"I ain't the only one in the world with good eyesight."
And the only question about judges is: Do they have good eyesight or not?
Some one on the peak of the hill had good eyesight, he decided.
Even though their eyes are small, these dolphins do have good eyesight.
Eagles hunt during the day and have very good eyesight.
They have good eyesight, however but really largely on smell to find food sources.
I'm a little nervous about the surgery, but I need to have good eyesight to read, play cards, and do other things like that.