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All night long the children could hear a dog barking, but no one came.
The only sound was a dog barking down the next street.
Now, in the light of day, she knew it had only been a dog barking.
There's a dog barking at night it seems quite near.
"How certain are you that there was not a dog barking?"
Some games have music or sound effects like dogs barking.
It could have been a dog barking, or a car starting up.
Once again he heard the dogs barking, this time from below and to the north.
On the fourth try, the first sound he heard was that of a small dog barking.
"It's clear today they have dogs barking all times of the day."
He turned as though responding to a dog barking outside his door.
It was real quiet, just nothing but this dog barking way off.
He gave a short, hard laugh, like a dog barking.
The apartment was dark, the dog barking, somewhere off to the right.
Then the sharp sound of a dog barking made her sit up.
He kept hearing the other dogs barking, and going to the window to look out.
From somewhere nearby came the sound of a dog barking.
"I can hear a dog barking just ahead of us.
And he had heard the sounds of dogs barking off in the distance.
The evening was so still a dog barking in the distance seemed close enough to touch.
Within a few minutes, both of them heard dogs barking loudly and looked outside the window.
Behind him, he could hear the dogs barking and shouts in Chinese.
"So tell me again about the dog barking last night," Terri asked.
He could hear a dog barking inside the house.
What they did say made no more sense than a dog barking at the moon."