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It may be a very long season of the doldrums.
And the record industry has been in the doldrums over the last several years.
A few years ago our film industry was in the doldrums.
When he came here the academy was in the doldrums.
So what issue is most likely to chase away the doldrums?
Even Japan, which has been in the doldrums for more than three years, looks set to pick up.
Conditions couldn't be very different from the doldrums of the Pacific.
And when business pulled back last year, the economy fell into the doldrums.
Business has picked up after a spell in the doldrums.
And I wondered if you could suggest something to help her out of the doldrums.
But there was a more powerful force at work in pulling us out of the doldrums.
At the moment, though, China's financial markets are in the doldrums.
Onto another club trying to pull themselves out of the doldrums.
Nana could always bring me out of the doldrums, in her own special way.
We haven't gotten into the doldrums organizations always pass through.
"The real estate market is in the doldrums," he said.
And some investors think it is permanently in the doldrums.
One reason for the doldrums may be the slumping economy.
They live badly by American standards, and their economy has been in the doldrums for years.
The move also comes as China's stock market is booming after several years in the doldrums.
"It shows everyone that we're recovering from the doldrums of the last several years."
He had suggested moving into the doldrums between the two streams.
Brent had tried everything to pull her out of the doldrums, but nothing worked.
"He took us out of the doldrums during a period when we weren't doing that well.
Maybe they will be able to offset the doldrums that are especially extreme.