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Where this has been stripped, as in the Ozark domal region, oil is not typically available.
It has the characteristics of domal structure.
Other terms occasionally encountered are domal and cacuminal.
Early Archean rocks generally form elongate, domal or cicular bodies that are several kilometers thick.
A planet is considered to be in domal dignity when it is positioned in the sign it rules.
A variety of stromatolite morphologies exist including conical, stratiform, branching, domal, and columnar types.
Together with the leucogranite the granodiorite forms a domal swell in the basement the Saint-Mathieu Dome.
Ollier and Pain (1981) consider an interesting case of an apparent diapir of gneiss that has risen to create a major domal landform.
Northeast-southwest-striking domal upwarps near Listrac, near Blaye and near Couquèques.
The domal morphology of biological stromatolites is the result of the vertical growth necessary for the continued infiltration of sunlight to the organisms for photosynthesis.
The mantle plume hypothesis predicts that domal topographic uplifts will develop when plume heads impinge on the base of the lithosphere.
Africa, for instance, is characterized by areas of domal uplift, from 500 to 2000 km across and by a prevalence of high elevations along its continental margins.
Modelling by geophysicists indicates that a 200km diameter convective upwelling could produce a domal uplift about 1000 km across with a maximum elevation of around 1000 m.
The Afar Depression is a geological depression that ranges in heights from 1000 m to -120 m. This area, as mentioned above, experienced many domal uplifts.
The domal uplifts and rift structures of Africa are at various stages of development and thus provide a useful basis for examining the evolution of rift systems.
Needle Peak is a Tertiary intrusion and stands within the Solitario, a circular domal uplift with a nine-mile diameter and a prominent limestone rim.
The island is rimmed by low shelving coastal areas, domal structures (salt dome) with cores of diapiric anhydrite and secondary gypsum constitute striking features of the landscape.
Among the processes proposed to explain the tectonic features associated with Tharsis are domal uplifting, magmatic intrusion, and volcanic loading (deformation due to the large, sagging weight of the volcanic mass).
Furthermore, the ancients assigned domal dignity to the North and South nodes of the Moon, although these do not qualify as rulerships since the nodes do not have governance over any signs.
The extensive series of domal uplifts traversed by the East African Rift System has been widely regarded as a clear example of active rifting with uplift preceding the development of rift structures.
Unless the zones of sub-lithospheric mantle upwelling which precipitate uplift and rifting are in a line, sheared margins will develop along zones of transform plate motion linking offset domal upwarps (Fig. 4.16(A)).
The crests of the domal uplifts typically have three rifts meeting at angles of about 120 ; this geometrical arrangement appears to arise from the way in which the tensional stresses within the lithosphere are most readily accommodated.
The influence of pre-rift structures on eventual rift form is considered by Versfelt and Rosendahl (1989) and the relationship between rifts and domal uplift in Africa is discussed by Burke and Whiteman (1973).
It is best displayed by streams draining a maturely dissected structural dome or basin where erosion has exposed rimming sedimentary strata of greatly varying degrees of hardness, as in the Red Valley, which nearly encircles the domal structure of the Black Hills of South Dakota.