The donation drive lasted on the upwards of seven hours and raised $26,400.
The donation drive was extended a few more days making the grand total $32,200.
Funding for this effort came from - among other things - donation drives, benefit concerts and the club's financial reserves.
PetSmart charities also has an annual donation drive.
The paper is published free of charge, it includes local news and is supported through donation drives and advertisements.
The second donation drive was held on December 5, 2010, ending with a grand total of $50,025.
He is widely known in the weblog community for running a donation drive which netted over US$39,500.
But these donation drives do not always benefit all patients.
As part of the donation drive, Hasbro donated $15,000 worth of toys.
It also has a yearly donation drive and a well-known annual book sale, which, he said, provides around 10 percent of its yearly budget.