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The center had an open house with door prizes for the 800 people who turned up.
Occasionally, these are used as door prizes at company functions.
Door prizes are awarded on the neighborhood and town level.
Door prizes and dancing are also part of the gala.
Like a door prize, there was always something new.
There will also be live music and door prizes.
In case you were wondering, there is no door prize, but the job benefits are outstanding.
The illustrations will then be given as door prizes.
He always took a finger or toe with him, as a kind of door prize."
But your contribution might earn one of the door prizes during a drawing for which "you cannot be present to win."
The evening will include drinks, a buffet, dancing and door prizes.
The sessions are free, and door prizes will be raffled at each site.
Activities will include crafts, games, door prizes and music.
Alas, the truth, as always, was more unsettling: The stars gave away door prizes.
Granted, the brokers may be there to network, to job hunt or to win a great door prize.
Even the door prize - a trip to Jamaica - involved a celebrity lineup.
Local merchants provided financial support and articles for door prizes at fundraising events.
More than 1,000 people came to view the displays, compete for door prizes and see the bridal fashion show.
There will be a raffle and door prizes - no surprise at a church bazaar.
At the end of the day, door prizes were awarded at Greenwood.
"For filling it out we offered a door prize.
The confusion was straightened out, the badges produced and with them their door prize numbers.
There will be door prizes and an auction of soap opera memorabilia.
Food, drink, sweets and occasionally "door prizes" could be offered.
"We're passing out copies of it as door prizes," he said, joking.