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But he's such a dork I'm taking him off it.
He always reminded me of a high school dork who was trying too hard.
My wife called me a dork when I pointed that out to her.
So, is he a joy to work with or a complete dork?
Yet it seems more like Young saved him from being a dork, which is not exactly the same thing.
If you go to bed at 11, you're probably the biggest dork on campus.
A note with it said, "This is what dorks do when they are in love."
A bunch of rich dorks trying to figure out what to do next.
Of course, I am a major wine dork so it was likely meant to be.
"You can ask anyone who knows me, I'm still the biggest dork that ever lived."
I'll meet the dork next week if you'll do something for me right now."
Just my luck to be the one looking like a dork in the action photographs.
"Of course there are children around the glass- works," Dork said.
Not to sound like a typical music dork, but his first album really is the good one.
What kind of dork would take a computer to Fiji?
He'd look like a real dork if they all suffocated.
He was also known as something of a dork.
"I've been the dork for all my life," he said.
"Look at the two dorks on their honeymoon," she said.
Later she shows her true colors and issues a ringing defense of the dorks.
You may look like a dork, but you can see in the dark.
I love that she's a bit of a dork.
Blade ducked down and told Dork what he had seen.
"I felt like a dork invading their house," he said.
Poor kid, he probably didn't know where his dork was much less what to do with it.