Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
I'll double check and leave a message for you on the system.
Can you look through this report and double check my findings?
No one is running for cover, but they are double checking their systems.
He took one more second, making himself double check his readings.
Afterwards double check the plan - especially if you are not sure about something.
This is a good selection because you have a "double check".
Let's double check with the guys and get back to each other."
Make sure that you double check if your current information is already outdated!
I would also encourage you to double check my math!
His own suit seals came in for a double check.
I usually double check all my work, but that doesn't take much time.
I made the appointment with your girl before Christmas - just wanted to double check.
Double check before you buy, but this should be a car with a Group 9 insurance rating.
Just calling to let you know that I'm running a double check."
He would double check to make sure the chamber was loaded.
We can put him in a show-up and just double check.
And also, double check to make sure it's not made out of aluminum foil.
Please double check size before sending the entry to Washington.
I'd have to double check, but I don't think this is true.
Before any payment is made calculations should be double checked.
Double check against their actual checks instead of the register.
Double check this is the role you think it is.
He had a few loose ends to tie up, some information to double check before morning.
Positive test results are usually double checked in different ways to make absolutely sure, and can be relied on.
Once we decided to keep going, though, I couldn't resist a double check.