Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Earth will doubtless make many threats if we do not act soon.
In the years to come, she'd doubtless kill hundreds more.
And he will doubtless soon be arguing for interest rates to start going up.
It will doubtless soon die out as other side movements have.
Doubtless back in Holland by now, she thought, and forgotten all about us.
The same place would doubtless give them the company of like minds."
Doubtless much depends upon context and is relative to the culture.
Except for some side effects which we'll doubtless soon be able to sort out.'
Doubtless after the city fell it was divided up among various warlords.
She would doubtless make an admirable mother of his bairns.
We will doubtless soon see them all onstage professionally.
If I tell you everything now, you will doubtless kill me and proceed on your own.
And they would doubtless make him their main target the moment he stuck his nose out into the corridor.
But even if that is the case, the tax reductions would doubtless make deficit reduction harder.
President Clinton will doubtless make a similar point this week when he sends his budget to Congress.
The what-if's will doubtless haunt Kerry campaign officials for years to come.
He'd doubtless been too busy building the famous Black Hammer.
Fastened with a pin, I would doubtless make just as novel a specimen.
Nearly 18.5 million American workers have these tax-advantaged accounts, and many millions more will doubtless soon join them.
The beams were both about a meter wide, more than enough, though the rain would doubtless make them slippery.
"He must doubtless soon be on his way."
Hundreds of others in the same position, will doubtless make the same decision to switch from rail to car.
When she returned, she'd doubtless have a lengthy list of chores for everyone from Ivan outward.
He said it had shaped his writing and would doubtless inform his future films.
Doubtless more will be revealed when the pix are studied in detail."