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He/she came downstage and began to speak directly to the audience.
The woman is standing downstage (the part of the stage near the audience).
Downstage the two men parted, and the lights went out.
Because you've only got that one perspective: Do you bring the actors downstage?
He waited, still downstage, like a good actor who could time his lines.
Or one stood far upstage while the other was downstage.
The cast stands downstage in a straight line facing the audience.
Later, each of the women stepped downstage with her neck in a noose.
She was downstage in a pool of pink light.
Interesting is fact the audience never realized that the set was moving downstage with the performers.
He/she half turned and looked at a figure in some sort of triangulated costume downstage left.
They take place downstage, without even a change in lighting, which proves an awkward solution.
"She looks kind of like a comedian downstage," she said.
The action freezes as the reporter walks downstage for a soliloquy.
He enters upstage, makes a small arc and leaves by side, a few feet downstage.
The dancers, dressed like Italian villagers, move downstage from the ruin as part of a community.
Dancers perform in beams of light between the standing panels before dancing downstage.
With the singers downstage from the conductor, video monitors have popped up everywhere around the stage.
"Find a spot about four feet this side of the lectern and fifteen inches downstage.
She saw him consult briefly with the prop master, nod, then glance downstage left.
Downstage she sat combing her hair in an Elizabethan negligee.
There was an additional ramp that lead downstage.
You know in the dinner party scene, when I'm downstage doing my incest speech.7'
They are well downstage looking front.
Windows downstage left and right plunge upstage center with a highly exaggerated angle of perspective.