Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The dreaded friend word, not what he was looking for.
Almost at once, she could feel the dreaded Presence herself.
They all thought they'd got the dreaded C, poor things.
The fear of an attack by the dreaded special forces was real.
Then the results came in and the doctor said the dreaded word, cancer.
She knocked on the door of the dreaded private study.
To show Christopher the human face of the dreaded development.
They are two of the most dreaded words I know, when coming from a blue suit.
He waited to hear the dreaded Voice, but it never came.
So the day passed on, and dreaded night drew near again.
After all, she had just given him the dreaded eyebrow.
But in what has become the dreaded second half, the Giants lost again.
Then comes the dreaded interview process - if a student is picked.
Still ahead is the dreaded science requirement, which she has put off, the same as many an 18-year-old.
What is the most dreaded and misunderstood part of the house?
Finally getting the dreaded call that his mother had died in Phoenix.
You know better how to deal with the dreaded press than I do."
They often worry for days or weeks in advance of a dreaded situation.
She had died from a dreaded skin disease in Egypt.
And even on dreaded grass, he reached the final there the last two years.
She might have missed only one period but all the dreaded signs were there.
Divorce was once a dreaded fate for women in China.
You'll learn what to do if you get the dreaded audit notice.
And, of course, there was the other, more dreaded aspect.
It's for that most Dread Disease of all.