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When meeting the public you are representing the department and should dress smartly.
She was dressed smartly in a black jacket and long skirt.
Despite his declining years, he always insisted on dressing smartly.
A young woman dressed smartly in black and carrying a small suitcase was standing on the step.
Three little girls had to be dressed smartly with ribbons in their well-brushed hair.
People who have dressed smartly every day of their lives might start wearing stained clothing or stop bathing.
He reasoned that since people dressed smartly, they were willing to drive "smart looking cars" as well.
All three of them were dressed smartly with styled hair and perfect make-up.
Tickets are expensive, and guests are expected to dress smartly.
Contrary to the popular stereotype, they take care to dress smartly, according to current youth fashions.
It was Sir John's opinion that one could not pay too much to be dressed smartly and, above all, correctly.
Having fallen out of a window, Karen walks into the office dressed smartly and feistier.
When people dressed smartly to fly and reached exotic destinations in the blink of an eye after an easy journey?
It was Scott Ramsey, dressed smartly in his late eighties splendor.
Dress smartly, experiment with hair styles and makeup and learn to act self-confident.
Liz feels that she does not have the knowledge about fashion to dress smartly and loathes clothes shopping.
He was in his late thirties/early forties, dressing smartly but perhaps a little too flamboyantly for his age.
She had always been an attractive woman who dressed smartly but tastefully, and certainly she believed deeply in skin care.
She mistakes him for the gardener, despite the fact he is dressed smartly, and presumes he's getting ready for a date.
She was still dressed smartly in a jacket and shirt, even though she was at a football match.
The man smiles and waves, the woman dresses smartly and the adolescent boy plays ball with children in the neighborhood, neighbors said.
There was a middle-aged man dressed smartly, as if defecting from his consular duties to come join the crowds.
Be sure to dress smartly.
There were many visitors: adults, tall and dressed smartly, who walked around the classes and the dormitories.
Dressed smartly in his pressed uniform, he moved down the silent narrow corridors up the ringing metal companionways.