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A pilot was found to make dummy attacks, flying closer and closer with each pass he eventually had his wingtip virtually in the flame.
The Canadians on the right launched a dummy attack without warning, which brought down a fierce retaliatory barrage from the Germans.
The writer Charles Allen has also suggested that a dummy attack was played out in an effort to provoke the Tibetans into opening fire.
We were to mount a dummy attack on the R.A.F. airfield at Heliopolis, just outside Cairo, a distance of about a hundred miles across open desert..
On 5 April 1941, Jackson fired several bursts at a Ju 87 before his guns jammed; he then made two dummy attacks and forced the German plane to crash land in a wadi, thus claiming his fourth victory.
The aircraft had been sent up with an aircraft from 815 Naval Air Squadron that was piloted by Charles Lamb in order to make dummy attacks at them to work out the best defence for Swordfish from daylight fighter attack.
But the Americans also suspect that the Revolutionary Guards, who have harassed U.S. warships patrolling the Gulf with dummy attacks by swarms of small craft in recent years, would also use Bladerunner to attack U.S. Navy vessels in the event of hostilities.
The results of the test were less than impressive: as instructed, the pilot made his first dummy attack without approaching too closely the area directly above the weapon, which was rigged to fire vertically upwards, but on subsequent runs flew closer and closer to the flame to the point of almost bringing his aircraft directly into the line of fire.