Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
A visit before the interview can also act as a dummy run to help you get there in good time on the day itself.
There's a process getting the kids used to it with dummy running so that the picture you get is a realistic one.
The dummy ran to the center of the room, then turned his eyes to the doorway, as if trying to decide where to go.
A dummy run convinced him that he'd got it right and so he downloaded.
He then called in Knight, who made a single dummy run before releasing his bomb.
Do a dummy run if necessary, you will then be sure you are setting out in good time.
We've had a dummy run with him; he skins them alive."
Only a dummy run of 50 copies of issue 1 were ever produced.
He gave himself plenty of height, about fifteen hundred feet, and flew a dummy run above the river.
We must have dummy runs to confuse the intelligence systems of the professional robbers.
Dummy running was important to get everybody used to the camera so that the film is a reasonably authentic representation of a lesson.
Libby was fascinated and soon was putting himself through dummy runs.
Either it's a dummy run like you said, or it's something else.'
Late-night dummy runs were performed a week before the on-air date to test the equipment.
Use your university work as a 'dummy run' for your filing system.
You may need to ask for advice, or even have one or two dummy runs, but given time you can get there in the end.
Nor is it just a dummy run.
Those aren't dummies running the other team.
Shannon flew another 2 dummy runs before finally releasing his bomb, which did not breach the dam.
'Anyway, the dummy ran away when it was my turn.'
"How could a wax dummy run away?"
The fix is to pad the input files with dummy runs to make the required Fibonacci sequence.
A 'dummy run' with at least one site is a useful precaution against pitfalls and misunderstandings.
Shannon flew 3 dummy runs and then Maudsley flew 2.
"On a dummy run.