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Dung, you know little or nothing which is of service to us.
All of which means that little dung will go to waste.
Under her hold Dung gave a quick start and then stood very still.
As he moved on in search of more dung, they followed him.
"How do you tell his dung from that of a young animal?"
His hands seek out a piece of dung on the ground.
I'd rather have blood on my hands than cow dung.
Perhaps Dung had only been necessary in its transportation here.
But better to be an animal, with such a life as they were giving him, than Dung.
"I will not make art out of dung," he wrote one week.
Out of the can he took one large black dung beetle after another.
Who, after all, really wants to step in elephant dung?
I really could do the thing with the dung, you know."
Such a dung had never happened to him before; he did not know what to feel or how to react.
The place they had stood for much of the night was littered with dung.
Buffalo dung is the only thing put back into the soil.
I have never met a dung beetle in my garden.
I had been following the smell of a dung heap!
I also noted that the dung sack was quite full.
Not the way they drop dung all over the place."
But sometimes a team just needs to learn how to handle a little cow dung.
I have therefore also found the hands of a few governments in this dung hill.
The woman did not use speech, but had mind touch that Dung found easy to catch.
Each one is a simple factory for turning fish into dung.
Do to others as you would be dung by.