Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Not new ones, nothing dutiable, just some shoes someone had left behind.
Your period will end with the last day in the quarter on which dutiable gaming took place.
This gives you the length of dutiable gaming in days.
Count the length of the dutiable gaming in days including both the first and last day.
Count the number of days that your dutiable gaming covered, which must include the first and last day.
You may be required to provide a secure compartment for the storage of dutiable materials.
For payments on account, you must first work out what period the actual dutiable gaming covers.
If the goods are dutiable or restricted, you will need to complete a full export declaration.
The analysis result will establish the actual dutiable strength of the wine for legal purposes.
In all other situations the charge is dutiable.
When these taxes are incurred by the buyer they are dutiable.
The penalty cannot exceed 20% of the dutiable value.
It is also concerned with an inquiry as to a fact, namely, whether dutiable goods have been exported.
Do not use for dutiable or restricted.
As a producer you will hold stocks of undenatured dutiable alcohol.
The part of the system most criticised was the very narrow list of dutiable articles.
Licences are issued to those who import, export, manufacture or store dutiable commodities.
Proceed as follows when advising recipients of oil or products made from dutiable oil about any liability.
The dutiable quantity of wine should be the actual contents found by dipping, metering or weighing.
You will only be permitted to hold dutiable goods of the class or description specified on your certificate of registration.
However, in 1933, 63% of all imports were never taxed which the "dutiable tariff rate" does not reflect.
You can apportion the royalty payment between dutiable and non-dutiable elements.
"Do they contain anything dutiable?"
A list of 75 dutiable product lines of importance for Pakistan's exports has been established (mainly textile and clothing).
IF the infraction does not affect revenue, the maximum penalty is 40% of the dutiable value of the good.