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Due to the earliness of the fire, no one was injured.
The sun blazed down despite the earliness of the hour.
Despite the earliness of the hour he'd go downstairs and have a drink, he decided.
Never easy, his job was made harder still by the numbing earliness of the hour.
Because of the earliness of the hour it was deserted except for them.
It was deserted, no doubt because of the earliness of the hour.
He could feel the earliness of the day, knowing that he had just laid down to his rest.
Despite the earliness of the hour, the streets were lined with people waving and cheering.
Though his lordship's call came as no surprise, the earliness of the hour he had chosen to make it did.
Brennan still felt tired, too, and already sticky with sweat despite the earliness of the hour.
Due to the earliness of the game, Buffalo was able to skate to a convincing 8-3 victory.
According to later analysis, the earliness with which a country left the gold standard reliably predicted its economic recovery.
The difference is, however, that sexual problems themselves become less socially "permissible" according to the earliness of the age at which they occur.
Many lights were on and the house was filled with activity in spite of the earliness of the hour.
It was, thought Burl, a dim day, but this he supposed was due to the earliness of the morning.
I didn't expect much, since the variety was selected chiefly for extreme earliness - the harvest started April 4.
I have the feeling she was as shaken by the ride as by the earliness of her arrival.
Now it was just a strawberry pie that looked extremely tempting in spite of the earliness of the hour.
The air was clammy, despite the earliness of the hour; I felt cotton-headed and heavy of limb.
Despite the earliness of the hour, she took several mouthfuls, feeling the liquid warming her as it slid down her throat.
But earliness isn't everything.
"We were saying our farewells in the earliness of the morning, Sisqi and I," he said quietly.
Traffic between Joy City and Government City, despite the earliness of the hour, was quite bad.
'Did she comment on the earliness of her visit?'
Her mind clear, she gazed searchingly at the ravens, then, despite the earliness of the hour, pressed her commbadge.