There is also a desert community, used to replicate the eastern desert.
There are already some native civilizations flourishing in the eastern desert and in the mountains of the west coast.
Because of its history as an important trading link between the eastern desert and the west, it was a significant place for the region's many rulers.
This primitive image would have been appropriate to the fierce power of the sun in the eastern deserts.
After a time a full yellow moon rose above the ridge of the eastern desert.
Jordan has developed one gas field, at Risha in the eastern desert near the border with Iraq.
It seems that Den sent troops to Sinai and the eastern desert a number of times.
I think he must have been half boiled and half frozen going into the eastern desert in that.
They then flew to separate parts of the eastern desert to pick up stranded oil workers of all nationalities.
His other associations include the eastern desert and links to the god Horus.