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Eau de vie is a French expression meaning "water of life".
He called it "eau de vie" or "water of life."
I think that that is it for me With any kind of eau de vie.
Finish off the meal with a quince eau de vie.
Strictly speaking, any distilled spirit is an eau de vie.
"Bring my buddy here a crock of eau de vie.
Remove from heat, discard bay leaf; stir in eau de vie.
Eau de vie is a French term for colorless fruit brandy.
There it is used both in the production of table wine as well as eau de vie.
Cognac is brandy, and is also called eau de vie.
It is then distilled into eau de vie.
The buds are used to produce eau de vie, a clear, colorless fruit brandy.
Serving size: An eau de vie is usually served as a digestif.
Sweden's version of eau de vie is aquavit.
Gabrielle drank down the eau de vie.
Likewise, clear fruit brandy is called "eau de vie" (French for "water of life").
The term can also refer to maple eau de vie, made from maple syrup.
The town gives its name to one of the world's best-known types of brandy or eau de vie.
In a small pan, warm the marmalade and eau de vie until loose, then brush this on the bottom layer.
"Will you have some lemon barley water," he said, "or could I persuade you to a small glass of eau de vie?"
In English speaking countries, eau de vie refers to a distilled beverage made from fruit other than grapes.
If building a brand in a California "cognac" is difficult, selling domestic eau de vie is almost quixotic.
M. Mette is a born experimenter, always searching for new sources of eau de vie.
In Canadian French, such products are known as eau de vie d'érable.