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These too can make ecological sense, but we certainly do not have both things at the moment!
That makes sense from an economic and an ecological point of view.
It is of course not only an ecological, but also an economic matter.
"A lot of ecological problems come from not looking at resources on a local level."
He had seen this only as an ecological problem, not a human one.
However, there are social and ecological questions to be asked about this.
We are further than ever from an ecological tax reform.
One of the major reasons not to use more food than we need is ecological.
It was created in 1992 to be an area of ecological interest.
It is considered as an important site for ecological research and education.
What is the value of that land in ecological terms?
The ecological situation of the lake is in bad state.
The Sound has only recently gotten attention for its ecological problems.
A long-term ecological research group is working in the area.
But we also need to take this step for ecological reasons, of course.
It is the first to take a European government to court over an ecological issue.
The School was one of the first to develop an ecological approach to social work.
Even now most such ecological experiments are small and short.
However, not everyone sees the news environment of today as ecological.
The economic costs are small compared to the ecological ones.
Not enough variety of food for a sound ecological base.
She went to the phone and called the ecological laboratory.
You will hear no speeches from me about ecological issues.
Even more of a problem, he said, is that medical and ecological work are separate.
Their environmental and ecological value to the world would seem to be beyond measure.