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The edibility of this species has been described as "poor".
The edibility of the mushroom is not known with certainty.
Opinion is sharply divided on the edibility of the results.
The edibility of the mushroom has not been reported.
These were supposed to be packages of things that expanded into edibility when water was added.
It has some use in the culinary field, but lacks value overall for edibility.
High caution must be taken until the edibility of this species is clarified.
The edibility of "false morels" has been recently brought into question.
The edibility of this basic banquet food showed promise for the kitchen.
The human edibility factor of this berry has not been fully explored.
Proper identification of a species is the only safe way to ensure edibility.
The edibility of many fruits suggests that they are dispersed by animals.
While its edibility is not known, there exists speculation about possible toxicity.
The edibility has not been recorded for this mushroom; it may be poisonous.
Before frying up your catch, remember to check with local fishermen about edibility (see page 117).
Opinions are divided on the edibility of this species.
However, other sources claim that the edibility is unknown, and consumption should be avoided.
Additionally, it can be frozen for long periods of time and retain its edibility.
The edibility of some mushrooms, I was finding out, is a question of taste.
As a guide to edibility, the mnemonic "How fresh is it?
There are no known deaths directly related to consumption, however edibility is not yet conclusive.
There are species with unknown edibility that look similar to this species.
The edibility of most species is unknown, and those known to be edible are not highly rated.
The mushroom has no distinctive odor or taste, and its edibility is unknown.
Its spores measure 12-15 by 7-9 m. The edibility of this species has not been tested.
DINNER TIME IN THE SWAMP Spring (Prime, Deuce, Planting) Edible are the very young shoots of reeds and marsh-grass (edibleness can be judged by the color), either raw or boiled.
There are seven basic colours of tò he figurines which are green, sea blue, red, purple, yellow, white and black, those colours come from rice powder mixed with food dyes which are used to replace colours from trees or ashes in order to ensure the edibleness of tò he.