Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
You think some things edifying which do not appear to me to be so.
Or else observe your own family and you will be edified.
But there are also some who seek knowledge in order to edify others.
Can you inquire him out and be edified by report?
It was a singular time for both of us, edifying but something more.
The boy looked pleased to have edified one of his elders.
The story was less than clear, and left him imperfectly edified.
We respond to the miraculous when it's edified by art.
As a charismatic community they fellowship with and edify one another.
"I'm incapable of being edified until I've had something to eat."
As a journalist, I found it edifying to experience things from the other side of the fence.
The purpose of the gifts is to edify and strengthen the church.
And you may find it edifying to work for someone whose views differ from yours.
Perhaps, but are the lives described in so many recent biographies typical, or even edifying?
As depicted in the film their treatment since being arrested is shocking, and edifying.
In view of that, he wrote to "edify their understanding with etymology".
They seem less likely to win converts than to inform and edify constituents.
The religious building we can admire still today was edified in the 12th century.
When a little later Michael went over to the House, he was edified by posters.
But her goal here was not to edify the spirit, but to win the vote.
These narratives not only edify the general reader but illuminate the nature of economic power and the political process in America.
I was edified by the hospitality extended to tourists at Communion time.
Look then to be well edified when the fool delivers the madman.
Like its predecessor, this essay is edifying as a study of how people shape reality through language.
Extravagantly photographed, it is edifying even for those who do not speak the language.