Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Snyder lets the controversies play themselves out with no editorializing.
The editorializing is a bit over the top in this article, and the linked Honeycomb one as well.
Oddly, such defensive editorializing seems to react to the assault we in the news business continue to face.
The positions of all sides are stated simply, without overt editorializing or partisanship.
The Queen and I watched it, but we were able to hear very little over our own, compulsive editorializing.
But instead of the usual nods to coaches, God and family, it ends with a bit of educational editorializing.
Weegee's reputation was also built on his editorializing.
The men were important for their role in documenting Seattle's culture and for their editorializing.
The publication of the cover photo drew widespread criticism of racist editorializing, and yellow journalism.
Either way, some savvy editorializing.
Her overt editorializing is minimal; there is no weepiness, nor histrionics.
While Mr. Smith clearly wanted to avoid too much editorializing, he could have taken more dramatic license in shaping the script.
Mrs. Miles's banter serves to soften up readers for what she calls "loose-jointed editorializing."
With the hint of autumn respite another month will bring, we can renew the silent editorializing without any of the invective.
The topic offered endless opportunities for semi-informed speculation, bemused reporting and vapid editorializing.
There's also some editorializing.
But this book does contain some evocative pictures and, if you can turn down the editorializing, some provocative and very entertaining information as well.
From there it was just a matter of endless editorializing and letter-writing campaigns until Abraham Lincoln finally delivered the goods in 1863.
Sacco stands back and lets the interviewees tell their stories, keeping his editorializing and personal reflections to interludes.
Civita maintained the opinion that Veja had no need to "please everyone", even if confronted with the issue of excessive editorializing of articles about politics.
The stories in her disappointing 2001 collection "Perfect Recall" felt tired and contrived, and were weighted down with needless editorializing.
The blue-note slurs glittered; the tone was soft and centered; black American origins lay buried under all the European editorializing.
The word, "opinnuendo" is a portmanteau of "opinion" and "innuendo", coined in 2004 due to complaints about the hosts' editorializing.
You may applaud this editorializing, or you may find it overwrought, but give Mr. Lucas his due.
"Oops," Pilgrim whispered, unable to resist a little editorializing, "Ol' Vendacious may have gone too far with that."