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We hope to continue our effective cooperation in the future.
What we need is effective cooperation between the European institutions.
When this political commitment is made, of course, we will have a much better basis for getting an effective cooperation programme up and running.
My thanks at this point go to the rapporteur for his effective cooperation.
This should result in effective cooperation between the Member States.
This can be achieved through effective cooperation between bodies at national, regional and local levels.
To ensure effective cooperation among the financial safety net players, several measures have been put in place.
It is important to achieve a lively and effective cooperation between European researchers.
We must also call for effective cooperation from the Guatemalan authorities in this field.
There also needs to be more effective cooperation with the international organisations working to protect fundamental rights and freedoms.
Indeed, in effective cooperation your gain may be my gain as well.
There has also been very effective cooperation between Parliament and the Council.
I understand the Commission' s own concern that distance may prove detrimental to effective cooperation.
Following the terrorist attacks which shook our continent, we are aware how important such effective cooperation is.
To achieve that objective, more effective cooperation is needed.
In my view, we can safely say that this is thanks to effective cooperation, across all groups of this House.
So we need to develop uniform programmes and models to promote effective cooperation measures between government authorities.
Action was taken finally in July 1956, probably the result of a lack of effective cooperation between the companies rather than political objection.
Effective cooperation makes it easier to conquer planets and take on other humans.
In her report, she also highlights the need for effective cooperation, as well as coordinated measures.
It also contains a commitment to effective cooperation with third countries and other international organisations, in particular the United Nations.
I have been saying this for months: the agreement of the three institutions is necessary, and effective cooperation between them is crucial.
We hope there will be effective cooperation not just between those two countries, but between all the Member States.
In his research, Johnson explicated the conditions underlying effective cooperation and constructive competition.
At the same time, however, we need more effective cooperation with the Union for Ukraine to be able to solve its acute problems.