Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The routing for the jet efflux also needs to be considered.
None of the efflux inhibitors tested is yet in clinical use.
Members of this family promote cholesterol efflux from macrophage cells.
However, some of them are used to determine the efflux prevalence in clinical isolates.
In one sense, it is easy to argue that similarities result because designers are exposed to the same cultural efflux.
The efflux is coupled to an influx of protons.
The Warson brothers were among the efflux, talking loudly about a woman.
One of the mechanisms for drug resistance is associated with an increase in antibiotic efflux from the bacterial cell.
However, with efflux of time, many earlier brands are not available in the market due to closure of companies manufacturing them.
The bacteria also increased the expression of a multidrug efflux pump.
The protein promotes fat efflux, including cholesterol, from tissues to the liver for excretion.
His hostility was like a sewer backing up and I thought I'd give the efflux a chance to subside.
Research on p-glycoprotein and other such chemotherapy efflux pumps is currently ongoing.
In bacteria, Levy and colleagues presented the first evidence that antibiotic resistance was caused by active efflux of a drug.
Antibiotics can act as inducers and regulators of the expression of some efflux pumps.
This theory has been supported by evidence showing that resistance can be effectively reversed on the addition of substances which halt the efflux.
Mechanistically it is provided by the reorientation of the auxin efflux carriers described above.
Since macrophages do not have the ability to limit the influx of cholesterol, the balance is completely dependent on efflux pathways.
Another problem is that the radioactive efflux from the nozzle makes the design totally unsuitable for operation within Earth's atmosphere.
The resulting increase in potassium efflux which hyperpolarizes the cell and the resting potential is lower.
They are sometimes augmented in clinical isolates by additional resistance mechanisms, such as impermeability or efflux.
An ion current is the influx and/or efflux of ions through an ion channel.
No Co efflux through the CorA transport system was observed.
As a consequence the economy depended heavily on the timely afflux and efflux of these metals.