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The nun took the eggcup,then leaned back in the chair.
It was an eggcup, and its stem had been mended with plaster.
Her eggcup was shaped like a chicken; she'd had it since she was a child.
He reminded Carroll of a hard-boiled egg sitting in an eggcup.
You could pack a ton of White Dwarf material into an eggcup.
This time, our eggcup could contain thousands of millions of tons.
Juliet fished the boiled eggs from the saucepan and placed them in eggcups.
Production studios and offices were undamaged, as were the eggcups.
The weasel lifted the chalice like an eggcup between two of his thick claws.
His skull's barely big enough for an eggcup."
Sometimes there's enough to fill a whole eggcup.'
Muffat seemed busy examining the eggcup, which he was still turning round and about.
Yangin-Atep wrapped the elemental like an eggcup around an egg.
She decanted a little into a vessel that looked for all the world like an eggcup and held it out to him, commanding, "Drink.
He rode in a kind of cup, like an eggcup on wheels, and it was this vehicle which made the extraordinary shrieking noise.
I'm normally too busy getting the bread sliced, toasted, butter, plates, eggcups etc. out.
He sprinkled it through his fingers ringwise from the chipped eggcup.
The top of the egg flew up with hardly a noise, turned over in mid-air several feet above the plate, and landed beside the eggcup.
When the waiter arrived, all was as requested, but there was only one eggcup with one egg perched on it.
Mr Longshaft quietly picked up his boiled egg and inserted it into an eggcup.
"It's an eggcup," Bordenave obligingly came and remarked.
Miller's performance prompted Carlton to donate a silver eggcup as a memento "for sterling performance".
I think the idea is to keep the eggcups on the canal facade of TVam; I'll find out.
Goodbye Eggcup (2006)
He stopped only when the waiter, with white-gloved hand and beatific smile, lifted the eggcup to reveal the missing egg, boiled three minutes precisely.