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I have been using electric fencing for 16 years now.
Electric fencing works well, but like any system, it has its problems.
Electric fencing is affordable, easy to move and quickly set up.
Once the trees grow to a height of 10 feet, the electric fencing is no longer needed.
Electric fencing has come a long way and warrants investigation.
Electric fencing can be used, but is not necessary.
Lightning strikes are a common cause of failure in electric fencing.
There is electric fencing around the park's northern, eastern, and western boundaries.
Electric fencing may become disconnected and burnt in a fire.
Is there structure free of barbed wire and/or electric fencing?
With temporary electric fencing, a large area can be fenced off in a short period.
Using electric fencing to discourage beavers from staying in an area.
An important advantage of electric fencing that makes it popular is its effectiveness relative to capital cost.
Find out about eligibility and requirements for the permanent electric fencing item.
Click here for more information about our solar powered electric fencing units.
Introduce stock to electric fencing when they're young and they'll soon learn a healthy respect for all fences.
The stud farm says it uses security methods such as electric fencing.
Without electric fencing to contain them, predators escape and explore this new world.
The manager of the local pet supply store reported recently that she had received two orders for electric fencing.
Electric fencing is effective for a small area.
Dividing large areas into smaller ones with electric fencing is a good way of spreading the strain.
Check out our budget electric fencing for unsurpassed value for money.
Low power portable electric fencing is the only temporary yard construction permitted.
Protection measures include hunting, trapping, guard animals and electric fencing.
Peter cites another case showing the success of modern electric fencing in improving profitability.