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Electric rates in the state are 35 percent higher than the national average.
I do remember that high electric rates was a big issue.
What are the alternatives, they asked, to a plan to cut electric rates an average of 17 percent?
Electric rates have remained stable for the past six years.
It's not to tell them that we have high electric rates or traffic.
Now the prospect of lower electric rates is keeping the company in place again.
This year they are particularly active in electric rate restructuring.
This costs billions of dollars per year, which is passed on in electric rates.
They enter electric rate cases to make sure our interests are represented.
What to do about high electric rates remains near the top of regional concerns, as it has for years.
State officials say the settlement will result in modest electric rate increases.
There can be positive benefits by having people see what their electric rates are over time."
He said the company would pay off the power authority bonds with revenues from electric rates.
He said that would cut electric rates as much as 25 percent.
Even with the proposed reduction, the Island's electric rates would still be among the nation's highest.
Electric rates for most of Connecticut's customers have risen more than 30 percent in the last two years.
Reductions in electric rates are needed, but at this point even stability would be welcome.
Tax subsidies, public financing and lower electric rates are being discussed.
Its residential electric rates are the fifth-highest in the nation.
That, in turn, would reduce borrowing costs and enable the state to cut electric rates.
The Pataki plan cuts electric rates an average 20 percent for at least five years.
Our goal is to lower electric rates, and in the process we can also help resolve the property tax problem."
It said that the strong economy, lower electric rates, expanded construction and new technology were the reasons power use was growing faster than expected.
People's electric rates were going up far more steeply than the car tags had.
Critics have also attacked the authority's promise that it would lower electric rates an average of 19 percent over the first 10 years.