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It is difficult to find a metal that will not electrolytically dissolve in acid solutions.
The wire itself is most often fully annealed, electrolytically refined copper.
The silver was refined electrolytically, after we reduced it to a soluble compound.
In this process, a gold solution is electrolytically fused to the base material to give the jewelry the desired color.
However, it can also be produced electrolytically.
"Above and Below" is made of aluminum tubing that has been electrolytically colored during the anodization process.
All were water-cooled; each cylinder was enclosed with an electrolytically formed copper jacket.
Flat steel is produced as hot or electrolytically galvanised, and plastic coated steel.
Under certain conditions, when deposited electrolytically on the cathode, it will explode on contact with a metallic point.
By dissolving it electrolytically the 1 kg ballast is released and the float returns to the surface.
Tolman advises separating the iron electrolytically, and getting it pure, making the alloys up by percent in that way.
Replies: Jordan, Water needs no catalyst in order for it to be electrolytically separated into hydrogen and oxygen.
Selenium can be extracted from the waste from the process of electrolytically refining copper.
The resulting electrochemical potential then develops an electric current that electrolytically dissolves the less noble material.
The first time the A15 structure was observed in 1931 when an electrolytically deposited layer of tungsten was examined.
This is in contrast to electrolytically deposited nickel, which have typical values of 150-400VHN.
In recent years, research has focused largely on electrolytically generated silver ions or colloidal silver.
Very pure lead can be obtained by processing smelted lead electrolytically by means of the Betts process.
Most often, magnetic wire is composed of fully annealed, electrolytically refined copper to allow closer winding when making electromagnetic coils.
Alternatively, metal (usually tin) can be electrolytically deposited in the pores of the anodic coating to provide colors that are more lightfast.
It was then electrolytically refined and the anode mud exploited for the platinum and gold it contained.
The metal is produced electrolytically from a mixture of fused lithium chloride and potassium chloride.
Nkana Smelter The smelter produces high grade anodes, which are electrolytically refined.
The night that followed might as well have been a night in Hell, though a hell in which Satan provided an electrolytically balanced beverage.
In order to convert a metal oxide or sulfide to a purer metal, the ore must be reduced physically, chemically, or electrolytically.