Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
How much of the truth would the Elysian gods allow her to know?
The summer, in some climates, makes possible to man a sort of Elysian life.
Do you remember how it seemed they were sending our away teams instructions through the Elysian people?
"Things were a little complacent here in the Elysian fields," he said.
Certainly not if the Elysian gods did not want him to.
"We shall do our work in these Elysian fields!"
This was simply more evidence that the Elysian gods had analyzed him very thoroughly.
Nothing had been changed since he had gone wandering into Elysian fields.
They were perfectly Elysian, and realized my idea of an oasis in the desert.
"One day we will understand the kinds of powers those Elysian "gods' possess.
The Elysian "gods" showed him his life, influencing numerous others.
He wondered if the Elysian gods could tell from their study of him what few elements were a threat to his existence.
How well the happy dead must thrive In green Elysian bowers!
"It's a tradition up here in the Elysian fields."
Or perhaps it was of trust, that the Elysian gods could indeed provide what an android required.
We are not exactly in the Elysian fields of financial and economic stability, independent interest rates nothwithstanding.
It is revealed that there are actually nine Elysian Councils.
Whether there were Elysian fields or just a big black nothing, there would not be that stink.
The Elysian gods-they might as well be truly supernatural for all we are capable of understanding.
Shall we fear to cool our love by mining for the metaphysical foundation of this Elysian temple?
In any but the most Elysian of South Sea islands, man must work to live.
What had it been in its previous life, she couldn't help but wonder, an Elysian or a Saurian?
Under the end title, a pan across a series of busts in some Elysian hall of music.
How about something a bit more Elysian?
And the piece ended with a lively, contrapuntal frolic in the Elysian fields.