Is this of any use to me if I have to explain it to each and every email contact?
An example would be Google's Buzz platform which incited controversy in 2010 by automatically publicizing users' email contacts as 'followers'.
Use the form below for all other email contact with the office of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon.
For their email contact, see FBI electronic communication, Penttbom investigation, Sept. 18, 2001, p. 5.
We tried to find information on this EdisonGame company [developers of the iPhone clone] to contact them, but there was no website and no email contacts to be found.
I certainly know many people conversationally in newsgroups and through email contact who are, I would say, more security focused than I am.
Viruses may try to spread themselves by attempting to send themselves to your email contacts or other users of file-sharing sites.
The school really focuses on the pupils on an individual basis, and the teachers are very accessible, including being in regular email contact with us.
Privacy Notice: The information you provide will only be used to respond to your message, fulfill the stated purpose of the communication, or to perform aggregated data analysis of email contacts.
Online dating sites, however, give subscribers the opportunity to add people as 'favourites' before initial email contact starts.