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I am working toward a book that looks at these embodiment questions.
Take him in that state, and he was an embodiment of nothing.
He was on his way to meet with a living embodiment of it.
What we can here see is the natural embodiment of organization.
She was the embodiment of all the things a normal person never gets to have.
She was the embodiment of challenge and they both knew it.
He was an embodiment of God's divine plan for the people as a whole.
Such was her natural embodiment, a self in which she felt most easy.
She looked at her husband as though looking into the embodiment of evil.
"It is the embodiment of everything that America stands for."
The gold watch seems like the embodiment of all that kept me together through those trying years.
She was little more to me than an embodiment of kindness.
Does he know that I'm the embodiment of his ideal?
We heard him in a new way as he became the embodiment of the city's and the world's resolve.
Knew them for what they were - the embodiment of chaos.
But I'd feel better if he stopped offering himself as the personal embodiment of hope.
But in the ultimate, I am the embodiment of that past which is also the future.
A realization of a black body is a real world, physical embodiment.
Buying a home is the embodiment of the American dream.
But is the elegant embodiment of an idea ever the entire story?
Tony was in many ways the embodiment of the American dream.
He's never a threat, only the embodiment of a man too smart for his own good.
The other three men did, too; and bowed low to the embodiment of the people.
Something close to an embodiment of our national history moves along that track.
But lo, he has shown himself to be the embodiment of our every hope!