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"History would often change according to my emotionalism," he said.
But I can't take the emotionalism out of my game.
"Or was it the crazy emotionalism of 9/11 that kept the relationship going?"
"We are dealing with a lot of emotionalism," he said.
Over emotionalism can be the result of too much pathos.
This has brought a rare vocal emotionalism to her art.
She continued to be surprised and disturbed by her emotionalism.
I had to do something to free myself from this disabling emotionalism.
There was no room for emotionalism in her trade.
There were men who luxuriated in the emotionalism of the night.
All he had done there was indulge himself in some fancy emotionalism.
This sort of emotionalism is natural for major events, but seeing a plant in bloom?
Their high position showed they were above emotionalism or earthly appeals.
It is an argument that has been put forth with genuine emotionalism.
You must set aside your emotionalism, and allow us to get on with our investigation."
True, he himself had given quite a few passable displays of emotionalism.
They have a low tolerance for spin or rampant emotionalism.
Ultimately, the questions of who plays and when have to be based far more on pragmatism than emotionalism.
Man, ignorance and frantic emotionalism are so rampant in this country!
Now was not the time to indulge in emotionalism.
This is no expression of oratory or emotionalism but cold, hard truth.
The Beethoven, which lends itself more easily to emotionalism, had a greater effect.
It was all meant to imply a sort of melancholic emotionalism.
With respect to the police, it's how dare the robots display emotionalism in public?
Then the hipster responds to the emotionalism by saying, "Who needs you?"