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Very emotive, but also something which everyone in society can comfortably get behind.
In the past such emotive language would no doubt have been effective.
Er right, could we go on to perhaps a less emotive issue.
It's difficult to study it and not have an emotive reaction.
It became one of the most emotive issues concerning the Park.
No matter how emotive the subject, now is not the time to make donations.
We have had some very emotive speeches on this subject.
Migration, let us face it, is a very emotive issue.
Much like her daughter Marianne, she is also very emotive.
It can be emotive and is a source of inspiration.
It is one of his more suggestive and emotive works.
We all have different views on this highly emotive subject.
Thank you for the comments - it's clearly an emotive issue.
It's just that he's not a publicly emotive kind of guy.
"No one will teach you how to do an emotive," she said.
With expressive eyes and emotive faces, these people look far more real than those in any other game.
She pulled her hand from his, and the emotive swirl died a little.
"We're in a very emotive business," another of the agents had said.
However, in this instance, language is not an emotive issue, but a practical one.
"Are you the only one qualified to send this emotive message?"
The theme of this emotive story is to show how vulnerable women are when in love.
She found it hard to talk objectively about such an emotive subject.
One of the papers had attacked the commercial for being too emotive.
It's emotive and not specific to any particular deed or crime.
The result was an extremely powerful visual and emotive experience for all involved.