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Having been en rapport with your mind, it is not necessary.
He finally managed to take control, yet was not fully en rapport.
If everybody tunes to me at the same time, we'll all be en rapport with each other.
She, completely en rapport with him, had understood his every fleeting thought.
The process of putting them en rapport took very little time, and shortly all were able to communicate with ease.
It was an undoubted fact that two people resembling each other were en rapport.
Lensmen in various parts of space became en rapport with him and thus with each other.
I am now en rapport with Dronvire the explorer.
Good girl, Mac" he put his mind en rapport with hers and sent his message. "
One at a time he put himself en rapport with them; gave them certain definite orders and instructions.
As a matter of fact, the untrained clairvoyant usually cannot do so without some special link to put him en rapport with the subject required.
And in a few minutes the Palanian Lensman became en rapport with the group.
First we must be en rapport.
Kinnison could feel nothing, even though, being en rapport with Worsel, he knew that his friend was soon suffering intensely.
With that they felt en rapport.
Being en rapport will be almost as good as being together-we can stand it, that way, at least.
Can you come with us, and still keep _en rapport_ with your bird?
Instead of looking at the plates before them, the two Lensmen went en rapport with Clayton, so that they could see everything he saw.
In the momentary silence Samms put himself en rapport with the other officers, and was overjoyed at what he learned.
Marchant were en rapport, as the garlic eaters will have it, and the degree of this was remarkable in the extreme.
Eleanor is a touchstone, able to detect lies when she is sexually linked and en rapport.
They were en rapport.
Put yourself en rapport, therefore, with Sir Austin Cardynge.
What have I to lose by putting you en rapport with a scientist of ours if you prove to be a plausible lunatic?